Educational Inequality

Tackling Educational Inequality

Cultivating Classrooms tackles rural educational inequality in China by providing free, accessible English classes for Junior High students in rural Gansu, and funding the provision of educational materials (textbooks, laptops, books) for students.

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  • Underfunding of Rural Schools

    Due to the increasing population and job opportunities available in urban cities, In China, their is a trend of underfunding in rural schools as well as inadequate government efforts to provide financial aid for rural students.

  • Educational disparities in Gansu, China

    Seen in the picture above, most educational provisions and enrollment opportunities lie within popular northeastern regions and cities. Gansu, located in the northwest region, constantly experiences lower rates of educational provision, enrollment, and attainment compared to other regions - leading to perpetuating forms of income inequality and the lack of educational opportunities to rural students.

    Xiang, Lili, et al. “Measuring and Assessing Regional Education Inequalities in China under Changing Policy Regimes.” Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, vol. 13, no. 1, Springer Science+Business Media, Mar. 2019, pp. 91–112, Accessed 9 Aug. 2024.

  • Implications

    Not only does this case of educational disparity set back students from accessing proper educational resources, it also prevents generations of rural students from progressing - economically and academically.

    Education frequently serves as a invaluable opportunity towards better universities, better job opportunities, and higher incomes they could use to uplift their current and future families.

    Thus, this only magnifies how important it is to uplift educational standards in the most rural and underprivileged communities - breaking the cycle of poverty.